Audio-visual solutions Conference Solutions

Meeting room and hot desk booking

Meeting room and hot desk booking

Booking systems for meeting rooms, workspaces and parking spaces are designed to optimise the use of available resources – this ensures smooth operations, productivity and order.

The meeting room booking system uses touch screens. On the screens installed next to the meeting rooms, you can find information about future meetings and the daily schedule, and after choosing the most suitable meeting time, you can book the room right then and there.

The meeting room booking touch screens also have an integrated light indicator. This makes it clear whether the meeting room is available or occupied. With this system, you can see general statistics on meeting room occupancy, and avoid double bookings and the chance that a meeting will be disrupted. In short, the system ensures smooth booking and eliminates the possibility of unwanted interruptions.

Hot desk booking systems work on a very similar principle: a light indicator built into the screens shows whether the workspace is already booked or still available.

Bookings can be made either on a mobile phone using the booking system app, or on a computer. Another option is to book a workspace using the interactive screen, which is usually installed on each floor of the building next to the main entrance.

The interactive screens display a full floor plan, making it very easy to select the nearest available workspace or meeting room. If a person sits down to work in a vacant workspace without booking it in advance, the system makes sure that the booking is done automatically.

The hot desk booking system allows the company to use its workspaces effectively when part of its employees work from home. The system can also assign workspaces to employees based on their department or job functions.

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Examples of Completed Projects

Modern audio and video solutions

Modern audio and video solutions

Professional and high-quality meeting room booking system

Professional and high-quality meeting room booking system

Visitor management software and hot desk booking system

Visitor management software and hot desk booking system

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